Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Sour Cream and Chutney Omelette

We have a lot of eggs right now, so I've been continuing to work my way through various omelette recipes for breakfast. I liked the simplicity of this one. I think I just need to get better sour cream next time. I know it should really be made with "proper", 14% fat sour cream, but I've been trying to steer clear of that since I've started watching my weight. Hence, the last time I needed something with sour cream, I grabbed a tub of the (not quite) fat free (ie. 1%) stuff. It was... not great. So I've been working my way up the fat percentages. This time I managed to find some 3% fat sour cream. Unfortunately, having tried it, I don't think it's really worth getting. It's runny and disappointing. Next time I'll give the 5% a go and see if that's any better. And, in the meantime, I guess I get to try to figure out what to do with most of a tub of disappointment cream. Sigh...

On the bright side: I really liked the chutney with the eggs. And you could get a lot of variety in the results just by using different chutnies. I went with a relatively sweet South African chutney for this iteration and that worked very well.

Sour Cream and Chutney Omelette

Slightly adapted from The Good Egg by Marie Simmons


  • 2-3 eggs
  • 1-2 Tbsp. milk
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 tsp. bacon grease or butter
  • 1/8 tsp. Italian seasoning (optional)
  • 2 Tbsp. chutney
  • 2 Tbsp. sour cream


  1. Beat the eggs with the milk, salt, and pepper.
  2. Melt the grease/butter over medium heat.
  3. Pour in the eggs and reduce heat to medium-low.
  4. Cook, covered, for ~4 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle with Italian seasoning (if using).
  6. Once eggs are mostly cooked, add chutney and sour cream. (If you want to be very sure of cooking the eggs all the way through, you can carefully flip the whole omelette over and cook for a minute or two, then flip it back again before adding the filling.)
  7. Fold the omelette over and cook until heated through.
  8. Transfer to a plate and serve.

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