Thursday, 7 September 2023

Fried Eggs with Malt Vinegar and Butter Sauce

I enjoyed these eggs, but I'd like to give the recipe another try at some point. They were good, but not as good as they could've been. I was juggling too many things at once and I ended up reducing the vinegar a bit too much so it didn't make as smooth as sauce as it was supposed to and the eggs ended up a bit overcooked because they were being kept warm in the oven while I tried to get the toast ready. Still good, just not optimal.

Fried Eggs with Malt Vinegar and Butter Sauce

Slightly adapted from The Good Egg by Marie Simmons


  • 3-5 Tbsp. unsalted butter1, cut into 1/2 Tbsp. pieces
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1/2 c. malt vinegar
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 4 slices toast


  1. Warm a large plate (or 2-4 smaller plates) in the oven.
  2. Meanwhile, melt some butter (see footnote 1) over medium-low heat.
  3. When the butter sizzles, carefully crack an egg into a cup and pour into the pan. Repeat with remaining 3 eggs.
  4. Reduce heat to low and fry for 1 minute.
  5. Cover and cook until yolks are desired doneness (3-5 minutes).
  6. Transfer eggs to warm plate(s).
  7. Add the vinegar to the now empty pan and increase heat to high.
  8. Boil until reduced to 2-3 Tbsp. (1-2 minutes).
  9. Remove from heat and add butter, one piece at a time, swirling to melt between additions.
  10. Drizzle the sauce over the eggs, season with salt and pepper, and serve with toast.

1 The original recipe calls for cooking the eggs in 2 Tbsp. of butter and then using an additional 3 Tbsp. to make the saue. I ended up cooking the eggs in just 1/2 a Tbsp. of butter and then using the full 3 Tbsp. for the sauce. I'd be tempted to try reducing the butter in the sauce a little bit next time too though. Especially if I actually managed to get the vinegar reduction right. I figure I could try it with 3 Tbsp. overall: 1/2-1 Tbsp. for cooking the eggs and then the remaining 2-2 1/2 for the sauce. Back

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