In the end, it came out very light, pale, and almost meringue-like with -- as promised by Edmonds -- a layer of lemon custard at the bottom. I think it probably could've used a couple tablespoons more sugar, but that could just be down to the size of my lemon.
Lemon Delicious
From Edmonds Cookery Book
- 1 c. full fat milk1
- 1/2 c. sugar
- juice and zest of one lemon
- 2 Tbsp. soft (plain/standard/cake) flour
- 1 Tbsp. salted butter, melted
- 2 eggs, separated
- Whisk together milk, sugar, lemon juice, lemon zest, flour, butter, and egg yolks until smooth and well-blended.
- Preheat oven to 325°F (160°C) and grease a small casserole dish and set it inside a larger ovenproof dish or pot filled with enough water to come about halfway up the sides of the casserole.
- Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.
- Gently fold egg whites into lemon mixture being careful not to knock too much air out.
- Pour mixture into prepared casserole.
- Bake at 325°F (160°C) for 40 minutes.
1 I ended up using 2 Tbsp. of heavy (35%) cream and then adding 1% milk to make a cup. That seems to have done a reasonable job of approximating whole/full fat milk. Back
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